Name: 3 x Monthly Crate Key - Everyone Online
Price: 65.00 GBP

On purchase, x Monthly Crate Key will be automatically added to the inventory of everyone online. When you use a Crate Key you will receive one random item from the crate. All items have equal chance.

  • Right-click the crate in the Capitol to claim your item!
  • Left-click the crate in the Capitol to view rewards.

Make sure you have enough space in your inventory before purchasing! If your inventory is full, then your crate keys will drop to the floor.

Reward Items include:
- 2 x Reward Key
- Mei Crossbow
- Mei Helmet
- Mei Chestplate
- Mei Leggings
- Mei Boots
- Mei Pickaxe
- Mei Sword
- Mei Shovel
- Mei Axe
- Mei Fishing Rod
- Mei Shears
- Mei Hoe
- Soul Stompers
- Grumpy Pants
- Chest Bumper
- Karen's Cut
- Bridge Burner
- Tyre Slasher
- Snarky Shovel
- Complaint Bow
- Coupon Book
- Axe of Empowerment
- Manager's Nightmare
- Sharp Tongue Pickaxe
- Wings of Entitlement